This site was originally made with Drupal. That was very nice for a while. Eventually extensions, data backup and installation processes became a hassle. To keep surprise maintenance to a minimum, the site was re-written with Flask. Since long-term low-maintenance is the main goal on this rewrite, I’ve stuck with well-maintained tools and stayed away from fancy things.

Then the hosting service used for the Python/Flask Webserver changed and it went out of date. Now this site uses Jekyll to create static pages, which are then hosted on GitHub Pages.

Disclaimer: I’m not experienced with any of the tools being used here. So don’t take it as best-practice if you’re learning, and be nice when judging it.


This site’s main code can be found in this repo. To run it locally for development, follow the “how to use” section in its readme. Feel free to fork and modify, though the stories vs. projects setup is a little wonky (they’re ultimately all posts).

Tools and Languages

CSS, Flask, HTML, Jekyll, Liquid, Markdown, Python